1. Never 2. Sometimes 3. Regularly ; 4. Frequently 5. Always
1. |
I don’t blame others for my mistakes |
2. |
I accept the consequences for the decisions I make. |
3. |
I take responsibility for my own moods and attitudes. |
4. |
I can control my anger and not project onto others |
5. |
I can listen to criticism without reacting |
6. |
I face my own inadequacies and be honest about these. |
7. |
I can set clear boundaries in my life saying yes or no when necessary. |
8. |
I can be assertive if the situation calls for it. |
9. |
I can confront others when necessary |
10. |
I can set realistic goals for the future. |
11. |
I can cope with stress in my life. |
12. |
I have forgiven those in my past who have hurt me. |
13. |
I can adjust my expectations of others giving them time to change. |
14. |
I can make allowances for the moods and failings of others. |
15. |
I have the ability to communicate with others openly and honestly. |
16. |
I don’t resort to addictives, quick fixes (shopping, spending, eating, etc) to numb the pain |
17. |
I know how to live with uncomfortable feelings and trace the source of the discomfort. |
18. |
I can cope with difficulty circumstances. |
19. |
I know how to evaluate the guilt and shame in my life. |
20. |
I really enjoy being with people. |
21. |
I know how to problem solve in times of anxiety. |
22. |
I don’t react to other’s negative responses. |
23 |
I can change my beliefs and convictions if proven to be wrong. |
24. |
I can live at peace with myself and enjoy my own company. Good self-esteem. |
25. |
I can empathise with others in their time of pain. |
Analysing my mental/emotional health
115 – 125 Excellent
95 – 114 Very Good
65 – 94 Good. Look at low areas.
45 – 64 Some work to do.
25 – 44 Look for the patterns – some work to do.
PERSONALITY PROFILE NAME______________________
DIRECTION – In each of the following rows of four words across, place an X in front of the one word that most often applies to you. Continue through all forty lines. Be sure each number is marked. If you are not sure of which word "most applies", ask a spouse of a friend, and think of what your answer would have been when you were a child.
1. |
______Adventurous |
______Adaptable |
________Animated |
_______Analytical |
2. |
______Persistent |
______Playful |
________Persuasive |
_______Peaceful |
3. |
______Submissive |
______Self-sacrificing |
________Sociable |
_______Strong-willed |
4. |
______Considerate |
______Controlled |
________ Competitive |
_______Convincing |
5. |
______Refreshing |
______Respectful |
________Reserved |
_______Resourceful |
6. |
______Satisfied |
______Sensitive |
________Self-reliant |
_______Spirited |
7. |
______Planner |
______Patient |
________Positive |
_______Promoter |
8. |
______Sure |
______Spontaneous |
________Scheduled |
_______Shy |
9. |
______Orderly |
______Obliging |
________Outspoken |
_______Optimistic |
10. |
______Friendly |
______Faithful |
________Funny |
_______ Forceful |
11. |
______Daring |
______Delightful |
________Diplomatic |
_______Detailed |
12. |
______Cheerful |
______Consistent |
________Cultured |
_______Confident |
13. |
______Idealistic |
______Independent |
________Inoffensive |
_______Inspiring |
14. |
______Demonstrative |
______Decisive |
________Dry Humor |
_______Deep |
15. |
______Mediator |
______Musical |
________Mover |
_______Mixes Easily |
16. |
______Thoughtful |
______Tenacious |
________Talker |
_______Tolerant |
17. |
______Listener |
______Loyal |
________Leader |
_______Lively |
18. |
______Contented |
______Chief |
________Chartmaker |
_______Cute |
19. |
______Perfectionist |
______Pleasant |
________Productive |
_______Popular |
20. |
______Bouncy |
______Bold |
________Behaved |
_______Balanced |
21. |
______Blank |
______Bashful |
________Brassy |
_______Bossy |
22. |
______Undisciplined |
______Unsympathetic |
________Unenthusiastic |
_______Unforgiving |
23. |
______Reticent |
______Resentful |
________Resistant |
_______Repetitious |
24. |
______Fussy |
______Fearful |
________ Forgetful |
_______Frank |
25. |
______Impatient |
______Insecure |
________Indecisive |
_______Interrupts |
26. |
______Unpopular |
______Uninvolved |
________Unpredictable |
_______Unaffectionate |
27. |
______Headstrong |
______Haphazard |
________Hard to please |
_______Hesitant |
28. |
______Plain |
______Pessimistic |
________Proud |
_______Permissive |
29. |
______Angered easily |
______Aimless |
________Argumentative |
_______Alienated |
30. |
______Naive |
______Negative Attitude |
________Nervy |
_______Nonchalant |
31. |
______Worrier |
______Withdrawn |
________Workaholic |
_______Wants credit |
32. |
______Too sensitive |
______Tactless |
________Timid |
_______Talkative |
33. |
______Doubtful |
______Disorganized |
________Domineering |
_______Depressed |
34. |
______Inconsistent |
______Introvert |
________Intolerant |
_______Indifferent |
35. |
______Messy |
______Moody |
________Mumbles |
_______Manipulative |
36. |
______Slow |
______Stubborn |
________Show-off |
_______Skeptical |
37. |
______Loner |
______Lord over |
________Lazy |
_______Loud |
38. |
______Sluggish |
______Suspicious |
________Short-tempered |
_______Scatterbrained |
39. |
______Revengeful |
______Restless |
________Reluctant |
_______Rash |
40. |
______Compromising |
______Critical |
________Crafty |
_______Changeable |
1. |
______Adventurous |
______Adaptable |
________Animated |
_______Analytical |
2. |
______Persistent |
______Playful |
________Persuasive |
_______Peaceful |
3. |
______Submissive |
______Self-sacrificing |
________Sociable |
_______Strong-willed |
4. |
______Considerate |
______Controlled |
________ Competitive |
_______Convincing |
5. |
______Refreshing |
______Respectful |
________Reserved |
_______Resourceful |
6. |
______Satisfied |
______Sensitive |
________Self-reliant |
_______Spirited |
7. |
______Planner |
______Patient |
________Positive |
_______Promoter |
8. |
______Sure |
______Spontaneous |
________Scheduled |
_______Shy |
9. |
______Orderly |
______Obliging |
________Outspoken |
_______Optimistic |
10. |
______Friendly |
______Faithful |
________Funny |
_______ Forceful |
11. |
______Daring |
______Delightful |
________Diplomatic |
_______Detailed |
12. |
______Cheerful |
______Consistent |
________Cultured |
_______Confident |
13. |
______Idealistic |
______Independent |
________Inoffensive |
_______Inspiring |
14. |
______Demonstrative |
______Decisive |
________Dry Humor |
_______Deep |
15. |
______Mediator |
______Musical |
________Mover |
_______Mixes Easily |
16. |
______Thoughtful |
______Tenacious |
________Talker |
_______Tolerant |
17. |
______Listener |
______Loyal |
________Leader |
_______Lively |
18. |
______Contented |
______Chief |
________Chartmaker |
_______Cute |
19. |
______Perfectionist |
______Pleasant |
________Productive |
_______Popular |
20. |
______Bouncy |
______Bold |
________Behaved |
_______Balanced |
TOTALS _______ ______ _______ _______
21. |
______Blank |
______Bashful |
________Brassy |
_______Bossy |
22. |
______Undisciplined |
______Unsympathetic |
________Unenthusiastic |
_______Unforgiving |
23. |
______Reticent |
______Resentful |
________Resistant |
_______Repetitious |
24. |
______Fussy |
______Fearful |
________ Forgetful |
_______Frank |
25. |
______Impatient |
______Insecure |
________Indecisive |
_______Interrupts |
26. |
______Unpopular |
______Uninvolved |
________Unpredictable |
_______Unaffectionate |
27. |
______Headstrong |
______Haphazard |
________Hard to please |
_______Hesitant |
28. |
______Plain |
______Pessimistic |
________Proud |
_______Permissive |
29. |
______Angered easily |
______Aimless |
________Argumentative |
_______Alienated |
30. |
______Naive |
______Negative Attitude |
________Nervy |
_______Nonchalant |
31. |
______Worrier |
______Withdrawn |
________Workaholic |
_______Wants credit |
32. |
______Too sensitive |
______Tactless |
________Timid |
_______Talkative |
33. |
______Doubtful |
______Disorganized |
________Domineering |
_______Depressed |
34. |
______Inconsistent |
______Introvert |
________Intolerant |
_______Indifferent |
35. |
______Messy |
______Moody |
________Mumbles |
_______Manipulative |
36. |
______Slow |
______Stubborn |
________Show-off |
_______Skeptical |
37. |
______Loner |
______Lord over |
________Lazy |
_______Loud |
38. |
______Sluggish |
______Suspicious |
________Short-tempered |
_______Scatterbrained |
39. |
______Revengeful |
______Restless |
________Reluctant |
_______Rash |
40. |
______Compromising |
______Critical |
________Crafty |
_______Changeable |
TOTALS ______ ______ ______ _______
TOTALS_______ ______ ______ _______
Fear of Failure Test
Read each of the following statements, then, from the top of the test, choose the tem that best describes your response. Put the number above that term in the blank beside each statement.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Always Very Often Often Sometimes Seldom Very Seldom Never
___1. Because of fear, I often avoid participating in certain activities
___2. When I sense that I might experience failure in some important area, I become nervous and anxious
___3. I worry.
___4. I have unexplained anxiety.
___5. I am a perfectionist
___6. I am compelled to justify my mistakes
___7. There are certain areas in which I feel I must succeed.
___8. I become depressed when I fail.
___9. I become with people who interfere with my attempts to succeed and, as a result make me appear incompetent.
___10. I am self critical
____Total (Add up the numbers you have placed in the blanks.)
Fear of Rejection Test
Read each of the following statements; then from the top of the test, choose the term that best describes your response:
___1. I avoid certain people.
___2. When I sense that someone might reject me, I become nervous and anxious.
___3. I am uncomfortable around those who are different from me.
___4. It bothers me when someone is unfriendly to me.
___5. I am basically shy and unsocial.
___6. I am critical of others.
___7. I find myself trying to impress others.
___8. I become depressed when someone criticizes me.
___9. I always try to determine what people think of me.
___10. I don’t understand people and what motivates them.
____ Total (Add up the numbers you have placed in the blanks.)
Fear of Punishment/ Punishing Others Test
Read each of the following statements, then, from the top of the test, choose the tem that best describes your response. Put the number above that term in the blank beside each statement.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Always Very Often Often Sometimes Seldom Very Seldom Never
___1. I fear what God might do to me.
___2. After I fail, I worry about God’s response.
___3. When I see someone in a difficult situation, I wonder what he or she did to deserve it.
___4. When something goes wrong, I have a tendency to think that God must be punishing me.
___5. I am very hard on myself when I fail.
___6. I find myself wanting to blame people when they fail.
___7. I get angry with God when someone who is immoral or dishonest prospers.
___8. I am compelled to tell others when I see them doing wrong.
___9. I tend to focus on the faults and failures of others.
___10. God seems harsh to me.
____Total (Add up the numbers you have placed in the blanks)
Shame Test
Read each of the following statements, then, from the top of the test, choose the tem that best describes your response. Put the number above that term in the blank beside each statement.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Always Very Often Often Sometimes Seldom Very Seldom Never
___1. I often think about past failures or experiences of rejection.
___2. There are certain things about my past that I cannot recall without experiencing strong, painful emotions (for example, guilt, shame, anger, fear, and so on).
___3. I seem to make the same mistakes over and over again.
___4. There are certain aspects of my character that I want to change, but I don’t believe I can ever successfully do so.
___5. I feel inferior
___6. There are aspects of my appearance that I cannot accept.
___7. I am generally disgusted with myself.
___8. I feel that certain experiences have basically ruined my life.
___9. I perceive myself as an immoral person.
___10. I feel that I have lost the opportunity to experience a complete and wonderful life.
___Total (Add up the numbers you have placed in the blanks.)